blog spammer = moron

The latest blog spammer (his IP is and by all means do whatever you like to him) dropped about 20 comments all through my blog this morning.

I confess I am stumped. I just don’t see the angle. What’s the point? No one’s going to click through on such thought provoking commentary as “HUH )” so you can’t possibly expect your preteen and underage sites to get any traffic from me.

And can you honestly think that I’ll leave these comments lying around anyway?

Are you hoping I’LL click through? All that, just to get a click out of ME?

Obviously these blog spammers are using mindless spiders crawling the web looking for commentable space and dropping their useless & offensive garbage… mindlessly. The sheer blind stupidity of the execution makes it pretty clear that the software is “fire & forget”, where you buy or rent your database along with a one-comment-fits-all box, plug in your URL and let ‘er go. Every comment space on that db gets hit.

And the spam lasts about five minutes before I nuke it and block the IP. No one ever sees it. Wasted effort, wasted money, wasted time. All you get is my contempt, and phone calls equivalent to your spamminess to your ISP demanding your immediate termination of service.

I don’t mind playing the patience game. I’ll just keep blocking IPs, nuking comments and notifying ISPs. With these guys, IQ as low as it clearly is, I’m pretty sure their days are numbered.

3 thoughts on “blog spammer = moron”

  1. Thanks dude. I hadn’t been hit by this one yet but thanks to you posting his IP I have already blocked him. That is hot.

    My god. What a hawt idea. We’ll just pass the IPs around & nuke spammers before they can strike. That is so HAWT! We can post the list of blocked IPs at the Blog Vic site (under development). So hawt right now…

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