
Last Sunday I was supposed to meet at Jim’s with a few select others for a fabulous early morning photog expedition. Before going to bed Saturday night my throat was pretty sore so I let the lads know I would most likely not be making it. I spent Sunday sleeping in and watching a couple vids, then getting to bed early. I felt quite a bit better the next day, so it seemed to be worth it. Here’s Davin’s pics, and Neil’s, Aaron’s, Jim’s, Krishen’s, and Julie’s. There’s enough pics there to keep anyone busy for about a day, and well worth it.

They had a really great day with perfect light for photogroffee 1.0. I missed out in the hopes I would salvage my health. You can be damned sure I’ll be at the next one. I thought I was winning due to my noble sacrifice, but I woke up this morning feeling down a few points. Now is SO not the time. Big weekend coming up here, starting Thursday night. If I don’t make it out alive, what shall I bequeath to you?

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