new stuff & old stuff

Whew. Not sure what it’s been, but both the camera & the blog were neglected for a while there. I went from about 250 frames a week or more down to maybe 400 in the past month. And the blog posting has been… lighter weight.

Well, I don’t know if that’s all about to change, but I did just realize I’ve been blogging for just over a year, so I want to do a trackback and review some of my faves. You don’t have to go back & read them, just humour me and pat me on the head when I list them. My plan was to do that tonight, but I got heavily sidetracked into finishing off the cleanup of the recent pics for a new album. That post will have to wait for tomorrow. New album! You can get there by clicking on the hottie:

the hottie

In other news Grant is wrapping up overseas and coming home in a week or two. (like that’s news to all four of my readers!) I’m uber-excited. Life has hardly been on hold, and neither has business at the Mill (FAR from it!) but I’m really looking forward to the added element of happiness that seems to follow that boy around like a puppy. A drunk puppy. On mescaline.

And dammit, maybe that’ll mean we get to see more of Judd. I miss him and he hasn’t left town. CURSE SCHOOL! But no cursing Tannis. Too cute. JUDD! PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEE!


Coming soon- pics from the latest Wondermill retreat, which was a success of faboo proportions (we needed that). Also more pics for the gallery on ClubVibes. And hopefully more posting from me. Just gotta find more hours in the day!

7 thoughts on “new stuff & old stuff”

  1. I hear ya on the pic/blog neglect, brother. *sigh* All about balance, or something like that… so I hear. :) I look forward to the retreat pics!

    No Whining! Just get it done! heh :)

    just kidding, you whine if you wanna. Will you be coming to SPECowe’en?


  2. Haha! Yes, it looks like I’ll be there for the SPECial event, batteries charged. I’ll probably miss Freya, but I’m hoping to get there in time for all of z0n’s.

  3. Hehe, you know I’m always there. If not in person, then in spirit. And I keep up-to-date by reading your email, like a good l’il sysadmin.

    btw, you should probably get that rash checked out. Sounds serious. ;)

    – part-time judd

  4. Not only that but Judd likes to keep other people up to date by letting them read your email.

    I do agree about the rash and we all know those Letters to Playboy aren’t true.

  5. Thanks DJ. I’ll be back sooner than you think. In Van right now, about to get my head hooked up to electrodes and play video games. (Jonathan volunteered us for some SFU experiment). After that it’s all you can eat sushi, then an afternoon ferry.

    I’ll see you at the office on Monday, if not sooner ;)


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