
ryan desketches

Nineteen. Somehow he made it this far. Sure, people say that and everyone gets the obligatory chuckle, but this guy…. I met this guy less than a year ago and you almost wouldn’t know it was the same guy.

Not to say that he “blossomed”. More like he hit the ground running. I can imagine far worse ways of coming of age than landing a job at the Mill. So yes, he hit the ground running.

Jason has pretty much said it for me in his post. I can’t add much (Jason says it well), except that I agree. Ryan- you’re Good People and I’m glad I get to call you a friend. Keep on being you.

8 thoughts on “jooooonius!”

  1. Happy birthday Ryan! I’m sure you celebrated it in the appropriate manner ;)


    Hey Adrian, just wanted to drop you a line and say that I’ve moved my blog over to I’m still working on it, so its the basic MT template right now, but it should look nice soon =)

  2. Happy birthday, Ry!

    Last night we went to the Rathskeller and I had authentic German food… then a guy with an accordian came by and sang to Ryan… followed by a shot of Jaegermeister.

    Speaking of Jaegermeister, we each got one as an appertif, and I never knew it could settle your stomach so well. I just might take a shot after every meal! :)

  3. Ah, mighty Jagermeister. I can’t stay mad at you!

    Did someone roof me Friday night? Because DAMN. Thanks to Nick & Jaime, who somehow scooped me into a cab.

  4. Happy Birthday Ryan.

    I’m so happy you’re with us. I don’t know where you’d be without the mill, but the converse is true as well – I don’t know where we’d be without you.

    You’re great people – much love. :)

  5. I kinda wondered that myself, DJ…

    And HEY! I walked you back to the ‘mill and hailed your cab for you. I even told the cabbie where you lived, dammit.

    It’s OK– you’re forgiven. How could I have expected you to remember?

  6. THAT WAS YOU?! BAahahhahahaa! Ohmigod. That is toooo funny. Apologies, my old friend. Sincerely. Full credit to you. Now THAT is smashed. I wonder what happened to me? I guess it was just exhaustion. And lack of food. Thanks much for the rescue op, regardless. Whew!

  7. Haha… anytime.

    In all honesty, it was a group effort. Nick hauled you out, Jaime steadied you, and I hailed the cab. You’re a big man, DJ, and it takes a solid team to take care of you.

    See you tomorrow. Muchos love.

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