forward bloggy!

forward mischiff

I guess it’s a sign that things are moving forward. I don’t have much time for writing posts of any great moment, unless huge events are going on, like Miguel winning a Gemini.

My posts are lighter weight, and my traffic shows it. Part of that I suppose is that Alta-Vista’s music bot is finally slowing down. For a while there my tracking was pretty much useless. Just streams of hits for Coldplay’s Clocks, with us folk lost in the crowd. It’s definitely made me rethink the way I share songs with y’all. I’ll build another directory off to the side somewhere so random hits don’t trip over the blog.

All that being beside the point. I haven’t really contributed much of note here for a while. There are things I want to do with the blog. A facelift (Greg has volunteered to help!) and a general reorganizing. I’d like it to be more interesting around here. More buttons. More wooshy things. =) And I’d like to index more of the posts I don’t want to forget about. There have been some good conversations in here.

I read somewhere there are over a million blogs out there now. Told ya. If it costs twenty bucks a year or even fifty who’s not going to want a little corner of the Web to call their own? I was cruising through a blog indexing site and they wanted me to categorize myself. Pigeon hole. What do I talk about here? There was no listing for “my life and how I feel about that”, but there were four different listings for kinds of gardening.

They’re still missing the point out there. Sure there will be regular editorial publications on the Web, written by people who are experts on blahblah, and that’s pretty much all they’ll talk about. There are tech blogs and gadget blogs and dog blogs and fish blogs and stripper blogs and on and on, and they’re all topical, and relevant as far as their pigeon hole goes, but what about the majority of blogs out there? Just people grabbing a slice and expressing themselves.

I’ve made reference to Pump Up The Volume before. The 1990 Christian Slater flick about pirate radio. I’ve drawn the parallel with blogging because I see it as pretty much the same thing, and a whole lot easier (not to mention far less regulated). For the indefinite future, blogging will not be about things, or topics, or fields of expertise. That’s online publishing. eZines II. Blogging is about personally reaching out into the ether. Leaving a mark. Saying hi to the void. Talking about whatever the hell you want, because it’s YOUR forum.

To hell with pigeon holing. Try to categorize ME in two words!

I love conversation. I love intelligent debate. I love having an opinion and being willing to flex it, to see if it holds. I love hearing what people have to say about whatever it is I have to offer. As much as I treasure my independence, my self-assurance, I still love to hear if I’m slipping sideways. I like to be told when I’ve gone too far.

I love photography as much for the technologoical wonder as for the ability to share what I see. I have five photo albums and four shoeboxes of pictures (waiting for photo albums of their own). And then I went digital at the rate of about a thousand frames per month.

With all this love for expressing myself trapped in an otherwise shy body, where would I be without the blog? Yes, I said shy. Well, I’m slow to make friends and I get tongue tied around girls I like. *sigh*

SO! A period of transition, as I adjust to spinning again. I’m also getting more excercise, and I’m even paying more attention to the fuel I pack in there. I’m still working on getting to bed early, because the job is high-pressure these days. I leave work wound up & then I get involved with “my life”. My body tends to send me to bed around 3am if left to its own devices, and that’s a short game when you have to be at work at nine the next day.

I have never worked so hard or with so much drive in my life. I want this. I love Wondermill and I’m hoping to be a part of it for years. I have pride in what we’re doing. It’s partly my baby, and I would like to be there to see it all grown up. So I get to work at nine and I leave somewhere around six, and I frequently don’t leave for lunch. Then I try to squeeze the rest of life in the four hours or so before I try to start thinking about bed.

I guess spinning Thursdays at Upstairs really came along at the right time. I thought I was done with the commercial gig, but having that regular break in the day-timer routine is awesome. Deep healing for the soul, just to get out & spin. I still have a hard time understanding anyone who never looks any further than Hot103. Music is the soundtrack.

Where the hell am I going to find the time to start MAKING it? *runs off to buy lottery tickets…*

8 thoughts on “forward bloggy!”

  1. …wait a minute… there are stripper blogs?!?

    Well that’s sorta what I’m saying. Some porn entrepreneurs are trying to jump on the blogwagon and listing their sites with blog indexes. These sites don’t have too much resemblance to real blogs beyond bios supposedly written by the models. You don’t see a lot of blogs with paid memberships elsewhere, do you?

  2. Ooo! Davin! That reminds me- I tripped over a nifty remixers site last night. There may be something there worthy of your interest… if you’re interested.

    Only downside is that while some of the mixes are top-notch for skillz they aren’t high enough resolution for me to use in the big room. I guess if we liked something enough we could bug the producer for a high-res copy…

  3. Ya, I hear ya mischiff. Sounds very much like you want to bust out of a coccoon or something, which is good :) For myself, I seem to get wrapped up in the story of the day without coming down to earth to view whats really going on. Even as I write this, my mind is on the poor folks who got beaten by the gangs recently, and how the cops are just standing by. I constantly feel the push or pull in one direction or another and find it hard to ignore. With a blog you have the option of releasing this energy for the most part, and if someone doesn’t like the cut of your jib; it’s your call to accept or reject their opinions. But please find time to blog, I know I would miss not reading yours for sure! Cheers man :)

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