Canadian… balls

This is why I love Canada. While the States are getting more & more conservative (read: paranoid) Canada is flexing its common sense. Be human, we say. Embrace the Me Generation like the rest of the Free World, but do it with some perspective.

I love Canada. canadianflgtiny.jpg

7 thoughts on “Canadian… balls”

  1. I love Canada too, in general. However, I loathe our politicians, those spineless lick spittle lackey dogs who have a political agenda rather than a ‘citizen’s of this nation’ agenda. I know it has always been that way, and is going to be that way for the forseeable future. It still doesn’t mean I have to like it; or them!

    It is still the best country in the world to be tho. And to the person that thought i was being foolish saying that I would take death over going to the United States, I say….. I was serious yo. There is no way in hell you will find this guy south of the Canadian border…. specially now. I didn’t like going there before, but now with their incredible paranoia; it is a never again thing. But that’s just me.


    that takes balls…

  2. No DOUBT!

    That’s a pretty ballsy thing to say for a politician, and while he’s only able to pull it off because he’s on the way out, full props for actually doing it.

  3. Here’s to legalizing drugs, safe injection sites and gay marriage! I’m so proud of my country. With such a firm moral foundation, this country will stand strong and proud for centuries to come! Viva Le Fall of Rome! And Jean Chretien, with his track record of standing up to special interests and fighting for truth and justice (for his friends and cronies) will make the perfect Caesar!

  4. BuddyBoy, let’s say for a moment that we live in reality.

    1) “legalize drugs” – no, decriminalize. There’s a pretty vast difference. But while we’re talking about it if we did legalize most drugs we’d be able to regulate them, controling dosage not to mention taxing them. What makes you think it’s morally any better to legalize alcohol?

    2) “safe injection sites” – like I said- reality. People in great numbers take injection drugs. Not just dead-enders either. College kids, lawyers, doctors. You name it. As long as people are doing it we should take social responsibility and make it as safe as possible. This could conceivably save us millions of dollars a year in medical care. It’s got nothing to do with bleeding heart liberalism. It’s cold and calculating. I’d think you, of all people, would be in favour of that.

    3) “gay marriage” – what the hell is wrong with that?

    Again I’m seeing you posting without giving these things much thought. I guess I should be glad you come around to offer a consistently contrary opinion, but I’d have at least some respect for you if you could debate these things, instead of the standard conservative bigot attitude.

    Do you even understand why Rome collapsed? Anyone with some understanding of the history knows the obvious comparison is with the States, not Canada.

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