tired & happy


This dj needs to grab some sleep. I was hoping to have all the pics uploaded and such, but the charger is at the Mill, and as promised I haven’t set foot in there since Friday. Ran the camera 100% dry, and most of those pics are keepers. Especially a couple that I took expressly for Jaime. *evil grin* The next gallery post should be entertaining. It’s been great. I’m even looking forward to going back in the morning. Then again, it’s the Mill. It’s not like I’m going back to prison. Of course I’m looking forward.

[time passes]

Holy. Just got off the phone with Robyn, my sister. Woohoo! Best conversation we’ve had in years. We both have to deal with the family curse- rampant independence. The Taverners just aren’t very good at keeping in touch. It’s not for lack of love.

We talked about her life & mine, and how married she is and how married I’m not, how Paul has gone off to continue school for four months the past two summers in a row and how much fun that isn’t. How she can’t see So I Married An Axe Murderer without being reminded of me. How much she needs a digital cam and how much she may or may not have enjoyed her first ever country music concert. How I think everyone should have a blog and how I manage to be as open as I am online. How much she’s enjoying swimming and working as programmer (Program Director?) for her Provincial Parks post, which I still don’t know nearly enough about. How much we don’t miss Prince George and the likelihood that anyone graduating out of there will ever get an invite to a Grad Reunion again, and whether anyone would go if they did. How Paul is now Fire Ranger and handling some pretty crazy situations with all the forest fires. How I’m spinning again and loving the day job and when the hell am I gonna make her an Aunt. And which one of us will hold out longer on that very front, seeing as both sets of parents are applying the subtle pressure to her & Paul. How I’ll make a great dad. How much I use my cameras. How to hook her friends up. How we’re both reading Harry Potter even though neither of us ever thought we would. We’re even both in the middle of the second book.

We talked for… over an hour. It’s been a very long time. Aaron- here’s my official apology for ignoring your text and even the door buzzer. I just couldn’t bring myself to end the convo, or even share it with someone else in the room, although if I had you’re one of the few for whom I would have done it.


That was fanstastic. Robyn, if you do come by the blog tomorrow you’ll read this and you’ll know I loved talking to you. Thanks for calling. Do it anytime. And I’ll try to overcome the Taverner curse as well.

6 thoughts on “tired & happy”

  1. Heh. No worries mate, I figured maybe you weren’t home. Speaking of home, welcome back sir!

    *waves to Robyn* Hi!

    I’m so glad you two conected. It brought a tear to my eye, but then again that could just be hormones. Nice to see you arrived home safe and sound, and happy. Now start posting more, I missed you :)

  2. Welcome home, goodly DJ.

    As for the sister-thing… I fully hear ya. One of the best conversations I have ever had was with my baby sister in the back of a car, drunk as hell, the day before she left for Calgary.

    Man, I miss that little shit.

  3. “I was hoping to have all the pics uploaded and such, but the charger is at the Mill”

    Four words:
    Compact Flash Card Reader.

    (or even easier, a PCMCIA adapter if you have a PCMCIA slot.)

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