new pics

'32 Coupe

Click the ’32 Coupe to check out the new stuff. The best way of viewing the gallery is to open the album you want to view, then click on the first picture and flip through like a real photo album. Somebody asked me why I only posted thumbnails, so I guess it needs mentioning.

One step closer to setting up the two main wings of my gallery. I’m getting there! These pics in the latest album are weeded down from about ten times the number. I’m getting more & more picky. Still shooting lots, because that’s what a digital is for, but I’m ditching a lot without even passing them through Photoshop. Thanks to y’all for the feedback. Keep it coming. I think I’m developing my eye, but I can’t really move forward without critique, so don’t ever be shy about being critical in a constructive way.

Also- I’ve been neglecting the blog lately. Acknowledged. Sorry! Life has been thoroughly enjoyable but entirely too distracting. It’s not for lack of blog-worthy thoughts. Just time. Always time.

In the near future I’d like to revamp the decor around here. I’m haunted by Davin’s comment about the “blue velvet drapes”. =) Another one of them things on my list of things to do, as soon as I get time.

5 thoughts on “new pics”

  1. Nice. Photoz are definitely stepping up. I feel laggy! :)

    y’know, i don’t think i’ve ever really told you what i thought of your pictures. remind me to do that next time, should i forget…

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