bumlifter b-day!

bumlifter b-day

Neil Gurton – Wingmanus Excelsior Plus Singularis

– Able to leap tall buildings with a single really big catapult
– Able to reject hundreds of gorgeous women while working at the city’s finest nightclub and a year later wonder what the hell he was thinking. (Resistant to charm & common sense in equal parts)
– Able to lose every single one of the phone numbers without trace
– Consistently backs up favorite djs in exchange for similar backup wandering the streets talking to chicks
– Able to maneuver the Evil Saab with or without power steering fluid
– Able to tie own shoes with minimal help
– Builds houses and cars without aid of magic rocks
– Born with ability to appreciate Bikini Jen
– Immune to alcohol as long as he doesn’t take it internally
– Able to resist spicy food
– Able to hear & tell dead baby jokes without taking damage
– Levitating, armour-piercing hair
– Pilots gold-metallic speedboats straight out of the 80s
– fears house-bound kittens

Please, jump in with your own secret super powers of the birthday boy!

He’s thinking some sort of dinner action tonight would be cool, for whoever’s inta. I have a dentist appointment at 8, but I’m game before, after, or both. And Thursday is the Biggun, with Johnny AND Neil celebrating with all fifty hojillion friends at the Upstairs, with me on the decks. C’mon down.

4 thoughts on “bumlifter b-day!”

  1. -Able to comprehend complex jokes and add to them
    -Invisible to people not worth his while
    -Able to withstand Mothra’s SUPER ATTACK!

    Happy birthday, Mr. Gurton!!

    Ahhh, Mistah Guhhton. You ah teh winnah!

  2. – Pilots small sailboats without either training or visible fear.
    – Fixes elevators without daylight, starlight, nightlights, flashlights or the manual.
    – A generous fellow and all-around Good Guy.

    Happy birthday Gurton!

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