
1. Are you going to school this year?

Yes. High school. That’s where all the hot chicks are. *THPT*! Seriously- for the longest time I had this stupid rep- the same as Matthew McConaughey’s character in Dazed & Confused. You know- “I keep gettin’ older but the girls stay the sa-a-ame age.” Did I deserve it? Maybe, but it wasn’t a conscious thing. I really don’t think about age much as long as you can hold an intelligent conversation. Then again- I’ve officially sworn off girls younger than 24 for sheer lack of world experience. Officially. Yeah, no more school unless it’s for Visual Arts, possibly in Banff or Florence, Italy. =) I ditched UVic when I realized I was making more as a commercial dj than I possibly could with any credentials less than a doctorate.

2. If yes, where are you going (high school, college, etc.)? If no, when did you graduate?

Heh heh. 1989. With honours, in the top 3% of English majors in BC. Wonder what happened?

3. What are/were your favorite school subjects?

I spent fully half my senior year in Visual Art classes. And I didn’t do it slacking. Give me a medium and I will bend it in new & exciting ways. Loved History In Art, but couldn’t stand the knowledge that all it was going to do for me was give me witty & perceptive repartee at posh dinner functions and art galleries. I also loved Creative Writing, and my teachers shoved me quite ruthlessly in that direction. Journalism, prose, fiction, expository essays, whatever. I frequently ignored assignments and wrote whatever I felt like writing, and somehow got away with it. Grammar? I left that behind in grade nine. They gave up trying to make me label what I was writing. “You can’t write a sentence seven lines long. It’s a run-on.” “Oh, really? How so?” “Smartass. Go sit down.”

4. What are/were your least favorite school subjects?

Algebra. I can do it. I just find it mind-numbingly tedious.

5. Have you ever had a favorite teacher? Why was he/she a favorite?

A few, yep. Mrs Croome believed in me, but frequently pointed out my dreaming nature. Nevertheless, she indulged it when she could. She’s Australian, so had a bond with my parents that I never knew about till years later. They’d been talking behind my back since Day 1. And Mr “Math is fun. You like math” Schwartz. He saw that tragically distracted creativity and didn’t try too hard to break me. Mrs Handford- hawt, young, & driving a brand new Camaro that she just HAD to show us. Ms Richards took me all the way through senior art, and forbid me to use an eraser. Brilliant woman. Mr Henham- looks like The Kingpin and loved talking about his DOG while teaching us the finer points of weaseling our way around the law. And he was fond of the Lemon Hart Rum which, after a serious flirtation with Silk Tassle through my first two years of university, took me comfortably through the next two. Until I could no longer find Golden Cockerel Ginger Beer, which was the perfect complimentary mix. How did we get sidetracked into my various relationships with booze?

In conclusion, calssmates, I say further your education only insofar as it proves useful. If not, get training in a trade that you can travel with, and go see the world. Do NOT waste money on school you can’t use. If you’re filthy rich, by all means go the career student route- I’d do it if I had the money. LOVE LEARNING!

4 thoughts on “ejuhmuhkashun”

  1. Aaah, Lemon Hart rum. Makes me think of family get togethers for some reason.

    Holy. ME TOO! Are you my SISTER?!

    or my MOM?!

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