disturber of the quo

So while checking my ranking at blizg I saw that someone had given me a removal vote. Odd. A couple days ago someone gave me a negative vote. There’s no accounting for taste I guess. I suspect, however, that there’s some anti-Canadian sentiment out there and that might have something to do with it. It’s the only reason I can think of.

I had a look at the only site actually submitted for actual removal (that takes a bunch of votes, apparently) and the only thing I could see that anyone could take offense to was the fact that it’s in two languages, neither of which are English.

So I voted her back in. Heh.

If you haven’t been yet, and you wanna show your love for the dj, click the show love here link at the bottom of any entry and click on the li’l plus sign by my name at the site.


10 thoughts on “disturber of the quo”

  1. can one only vote once? I did a few days ago and tried again now but no count=count+1 ??? hmmm. (thanks for the “strange bird” compliment (or so I chose to take it ;)in the box below.)

  2. *shows love* click!

    If you still have the link to the girl who was voted out, maybe we could all pile on the “let her back in” button, too. :)

  3. As requested, Genevieve’s link. She’s not too hurting for positive votes though. Enjoy. Be sure to tell me if your French is better than mine and her blog does actually suck. Ha!

    And voting more than once from the same IP doesn’t do anything more than bump the time of the last vote, as far as I can tell. So I guess everytime you walk past a strange computer you should plug me. *grin*

    I think the best way to tackle this would be to just, whenever you get the urge, click through and give me a thumbs up. It’ll keep my count current, and you won’t have to mark three months on your calendar. *rolleyes*

    *kisses* to all. Manly ones for the guys, obviously. der.

  4. The only reason someone would give you a negative vote is because they are anti-Canadian? Poor Canadians, so loathed and hated the world over…. But that can be the only explanation. It can’t have anything to do with the blog’s content, we all eagerly await your wisdom every day. Maybe they voted on the aesthetics of your blog? Maybe it’s the atrocious use of the colour blue? Maybe it’s the cheesy animated Canadian flag? Who knows. As you said probably just anti-Canadianism. What is this world coming to when a DJ from Victoria gets a negative vote?!?!?!?! Geez man, get over yourself.

  5. Who invited the clown? Look, d00d, it’s my blog. In my taste. Therefore, anyone who doesn’t love it is clearly lacking in said taste. Duh.

    p.s. congratulations on your correct spelling of the word “atrocious” and your enthusiastic use of closing punctuation marks.

  6. oooooh my hackles just went up because some schmuck American prick just did a drive by assholing. Sheesh, and you wonder why I want to MOVE out of AMERICA. There’s all this hostility, and then people think THEY’RE the ones being wronged by getting the business end of a beat stick.

    /rude gesture at ignorant pigs the world over.

  7. ya know, its true… “The only reason someone would give you a negative vote is because they are anti-Canadian?”

    I thought it myself when I read your entry. Just take the removal votes as encouragement. It means you are affecting people. We can’t all agree. Its just too bad you can’t leave a reason for removal.

    Live and let live and learn, no?

  8. As a response to BuddyBoy, not to try to stir it all up again.

    The reasons you listed are reasons to not like the blog, but are they really good reasons to want to kick him off the list? After all… does using blue too much mean that it’s not a blog worthy of that list? Same with cheesiness… are blogs not allowed to be cheesy? Are they not blogs then? If they aren’t blogs, what are they? Big balls of great cheesiness where people just happen to post cheese related articles in a journal-like fashion?

    Maybe he did get a negative vote for one of those reasons, but why the removal vote?

    Flame suit preped and ready…

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