bush cleans up

Wrrd to The Onion. heh heh. Given the way the Bush “administration” has been manipulating an only too gullible media (and populace) so far, it wouldn’t surprise me at all. Read all about it .

Then again, knowing his blind idiocy, he might actually believe it.

Thanks to Ryan for the link.

13 thoughts on “bush cleans up”

  1. Geez, the “blind idiocy” of George Bush is sure keeping you liberals on your toes. None of the Bush = Dumb jokes seem to stick. The war in Iraq is finished and the Axis of Weasel countries are on the defensive. Too bad they picked the wrong side. It always surprises me that liberals always accuse Bush of being a buffoon. He has outsmarted everyone so far. Maybe you should give him more credit and try to defeat him on the issues rather than resorting to childishness like trying to rig Google to return Bush = Monkey websites. Come on people, don’t you have anything better to do?!?

    One has to wonder what else you could be doing with your time. You keep referring to “us” as liberals. What does that make you? Conservative? Why don’t you look the words up in a dictionary and let us know what being “liberal” means. You know: tolerance, understanding, compassion, a wider and more forward thinking view. Progressive even.

    Everytime you call “us” liberals I can only nod and agree with you. Who in their right mind could consider any path but that of the liberal-minded? What point is there in having a closed mind?

    I’m telling ya, you just keep shooting yourself in the foot.

  2. When I refer to someone as a “liberal” I mean someone who accepts everything and stands for nothing. Tolerance? Understanding? Compassion? Great self-promotion, but sadly, liberals are some of the most ruthless when dealing with people with other views. Just look at the welcome I received when I started posting on your blogs. One of you said right away “it’s no use arguing with people like you”. How Tolerant/Understanding/Compassionate of you! What a bunch of phoniness. If having the label “liberal” makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, so be it. But that doesn’t change the fact you people are anything but. Oh yeah, wasn’t this a thread about George Bush?

  3. It was until you showed up. Read my post, clown, and tell me I don’t stand for something.

    At no point do I claim to be perfect, or to have all the answers. But at least I’m willing to learn. I at least have the ability to think for myself.

    Do you even know what it means to be liberal? I’m not talking about your political party, and it saddens me I have to point that out. I’m talking about having a liberal mindset, meaning there’s room in there for more than just swallowing what the media feeds me.

    Here’s what I mean- when I attack the Bush administration’s foreign policy and the gullibility of the American public in accepting it, you instantly jump to the defence like a good party member, pointing fingers and spouting rhetoric about “our” lack of fortitude. You don’t stop to consider that “we” may be right. You don’t even slow down.

    I’m pointing my finger at you because you are that party lacky who has swallowed the empiric ideology that you think that your way is the right way. It hasn’t ever occured to you that there could be any value in what anyone else is saying, in spite of the fact that the overwhelming majority of the planet disagrees with you. You have the biggest gun, and therefore you must be right.

    Bush’s primary justification for invasion was based on fear of weapons of mass destruction, right? Will you give me that without another vomit of the party line, at least?

    Then why didn’t Saddam use them?

    You can’t possibly argue that it was because he didn’t have opportunity. He had ten years of opportunity. And two months of having easy targets right outside his door.

    When are you going to wake up? There aren’t any.

    If you can admit that you might indeed be wrong, and that America’s foreign policy may well be horrifyingly short-sighted in its self-serving goals, then I’ll welcome you to this forum as a thoughtful and contributing member. If you can’t allow for that possibility then I’d rather you took your rhetoric elsewhere. This is my blog. I get enough of your bullshit everywhere else, thanks.

  4. I jump in, with a few pennies…

    Why didn’t Saddam use them? Because he’s not an idiot. He’s a crazy mo’fo’, but he didn’t get to be President by being a dummy. If he had used some WMD from his current position, the whole world would have been knocking at his door with a big ol .45. I don’t think it’s in his best interests to make the US right.

    Are there WMD in there? Doesn’t look like it, but it’s early, and Iraq is a huge ass country. Lots of good places to hide stuff.

    Thats all :)

  5. Not to kick the chair out from under you, Jonathan, because I appreciate the fact you’re posting, but for all intents and purposes the whole world DID knock down his door. Kicked it clear out of the country, even. The fact that it was only a handful of countries represented in that ass-kicking doesn’t make it any less kicked. If he’d had the weapons he would have used them to punish the Hated Yankees. He really had absolutely nothing to lose by using them. He was out, no matter what.

    Militarily speaking, he had no reason at all to hold back. And I don’t think he did. He threw everything he could at the invaders. Wouldn’t you, if your country was invaded?

    And for what it’s worth, he held power for 26 years with overwhelming brute force and fear. Does that sound like someone who would play nice when someone came along to take his toy empire away? Hardly.

  6. Had to go back and laugh over buddy’s post some more:

    “Geez, the “blind idiocy” of George Bush is sure keeping you liberals on your toes.”

    Hell yes. He’s a lunatic waving a gun around.

    “None of the Bush = Dumb jokes seem to stick.”

    You’re kidding, right? Do you watch anything besides Fox? They’ve ALL stuck.

    “…the Axis of Weasel countries are on the defensive.”

    What axis is that? Last I heard none of those countries wanted anything to do with each other. Doesn’t sound like much of an axis of anything except countries who won’t play in the same sandbox as the US.

    “It always surprises me that liberals always accuse Bush of being a buffoon.”

    He IS a buffoon. Have you heard what comes out of that boy’s mouth if he hasn’t got a speech in front of him?

    “He has outsmarted everyone so far.”

    You HAVE to be joking. What single act can you point to that involves ANYTHING remotely approaching smart? No, wait, let me give you one- the Allied forces got in, did the job and got out. But tell me- what did that have to do, in any way, with what Dubbya wanted to do?

    “Maybe you should give him more credit and try to defeat him on the issues…”

    He has been defeated. On every issue. Including lawful election. He just bulldozes right on anyway because of people like you. Why don’t you bring us one of his issues and we’ll roll on that, shall we? For example, what is his stand on unemployment in his own country? How about the deplorable standards of education? Or the fact his own citizens keep shooting, raping, robbing and murdering each other, and walking free because of a hopelessly corrupt legal system? How about health care? Tell me what he is doing about urban poverty and violence? How do you, personally, feel about the resurrected Star Wars program, that has been demonstrably proven to be laughably ineffective, but which Bush wants to ram right past Congress anyway?

    Don’t accuse me of being childish when your own damned President would rather thrash on a dictator halfway around the world (and whom America tolerated for 26 years) than take care of his own populace. So tell me- you evidently support him- how do you feel about the fact that he’d rather play War than take care of you?

    Or do you have something better to do?

  7. Point taken. I would have thought that Saddam would have launched some nasty weapons if he had them… it’s tough to say now if he had them or not… but for one, the whole world did NOT come knocking at his door, ONLY the coalition with their support… like you said “a majority of the planet” is not in support (including governments) (whether I agree with that figure or not is another issue). If he had gone and started waving WMD around, then “the majority of the planet” would turn around and jump.

    Militarily speaking, yes, he had no reason to hold back. Heck, I would be lobbing what ever I could blindly into the desert (hoping I don’t run out of stuff to throw)… but politically speaking, I think he did have reason to hold back. If he thought he could win (which, given what that crazied information minister had to say, they thought they had already won), and if the regime thought they would still be in control, using WMD would be suicide.

  8. Ah, but what I’m saying was that his ass would have been just as kicked if the whole world HAD been there. I don’t think anyone was arguing to keep Saddam in power. We just didn’t approve of an invasion that seemed awfully motivated by greed and the need for a scapegoat. My point was that the when you look at the resistance he was able to mount it may as well have been the whole world. Resistance, as they say, was futile.

  9. I believe the Axis of Weasel countries are the ones who aren’t in the Axis of the Willing… after all… if you’re not with us, you’re against us, right?

  10. Corrupt Legal System?

    Umm.. ok..

    What’s so damn corrupt about it? And don’t give me the “they gave Bush the election” stuff.

    How is the legal system impacting the crime rate? I can’t wait to hear this.


  11. It’s the same argument I give later on regarding the primary fault with democracy, Bryan. Simply put- money makes right. And that’s hardly what anyone would call justice. It is exactly the definition of corrupt, however, and that’s all I was saying.

  12. I just have to jump in, even though it’s obvious I’ve kept my opinions to myself thus far. As 99% of you know, I’m American, I live in North Carolina and I’m here to mouth off for a bit.

    I’m tired of hearing the same old bullshit about being ‘given’ the presidency. Bush is President, that much is a fact. The ELECTION is over with, get over it, it’s a moot point. Can I do anything about it? NO. Matter of fact, I excersized my democratic right as an American citizen…and voted. Yeah, you have the right to contend that, but not here please, it’s old news.

    Legal system impacting the crime rate? have you SEEN the courts and jails lately? Killers, rapists, embezzelers, theives, robbers and druggies all getting off early “for good behavior” and going free. Know why? There’s no room. Pretty freakin’ sad that I live here, and I have to Question whether or not I want to raise kids in this world? I have to worry about some creep breaking into my house, attempting to rape or kill me, and then SUING ME when I do my damndest to kill him. Dirty lawyers, dirty judges and dirty cops do NOTHING to help stop the violence, and the good ones can only do so much. We keep passing more laws, and ammending the ones already in place – in essence, ‘lowering the bar’ for the stupid ones who can’t seem to ‘help themselves’. We can’t even uphold and support the laws we have.

    Where’s an extra continent when you need one.

    War on Iraq? Frankly, I don’t give a damn. I don’t like the fact that I have close personal friends actually there, possibly getting hurt, maimed or worse, killed. But there’s two sides to it. What’s worse: turning a blind eye to the plight of the common people there, and saying ‘not our problem’ – we have no right being there? Or being the defender of the downtrodden, at the expense of our own dignity?

    In conclusion, I suppose, all I have to say about the decisions that have been made concerning our foreign policy is this: I trust that the President and his advisors are doing what is best, in the long run, for the American people, and hopefully the world. I trust because I need to, I trust because I have to, and I trust because if I don’t trust, what else do I have?

    If believing that everything will work out in the end is nothing more than rose-colored glasses, I’ll tell you this, it sure beats blind fatalism.

  13. I’ve had a moment or two since I vented, and I’d like to add something else to what I said:

    If you take a brief glance at history, mankind has not changed. We’ve had technological advances, literacy, better plumbing and whatnot; but when you look at the ‘state of the world’ as a whole: the Mayans, Napolean, Charlemange, the Isrealites, as far back in history as you can see, prove or believe – we’ve done the same thing. It’s depressing, really.

    There are so many bad people in the world, bad in every possible combination of senses of the word. But at the very least, I know that I am doing my part, some how, some way, to balance out the forces of (good and evil) the world by being my ethical, moral and caring self.

    It makes things seem a little more okay, a little more right. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing, and you do your part, and little by little, we will get it right.

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