more rhinos?

Found a hidden cache of pics from the RhinoTour. Haven’t seen the RhinoTour yet? Over here. These ones were from Neil’s camera. Just a few extras for everyone who needs more pics of inflatable rhinos.

24 thoughts on “more rhinos?”

  1. I must say, you guys are crazy. Really, seriously crazy.

    Although, I did notice a few cute women in those pictures… maybe if I carried around my own inflatable rhino then I’d get myself cute women as well…

    You have no idea.

  2. It’s funny, looking at the ones by the legislature (not parliament, right dj?, or have I got it backwards…) you can really tell it’s pre-9/11. At least, I don’t remember any guards looking at us funny but I could be wrong.

  3. Guards always look at us funny. And it was summer 02, almost a year after 9/11. oh, Aaron. One day we have *got* to get you some electro-shock treatment.

    And yes, you got it right. Legislature. There is only one set of Parliament Buildings in Canada, and they’re on Capitol Hill.

  4. those pics are hysterical. laughed right through all 58 of them. sounds like a grand day. what tipped me off that they were from a while ago was the Memorial Collisium was still standing. I’m not even a local, aa, I know that the Legislature is the “Leg” and not the Parliament. Actually, I think it was you, dj, who corrected me on that a while ago, but it stuck.

    I guess i’ll have to respect that rhino for all the life experience it has, surviving a cougar attack and all…

  5. ps:Your scanner (or re-sizing) creates some noodly effects. Sort of a watercolor thing. Specifically to the Rhino stripes and the ivy on the Empress.

  6. Sure. I am sure everyone in the office would love that, but only if you are picking me up to take me with you.

  7. What is on, the Rhino doing a “tour” of the Criminal Law Firm, or me being strapped to the back of Neil’s jeep.

  8. I just cracked up laughing at the thought of Mr. Rhino sitting behind by desk at the “Criminal” Law Firm. Sorry, had to share.

  9. yeah I’m thinking the Jeep will still be around. Hard to say, although I keep finding excuses to keep it. If anyone wants a Jeep, its for sale!

  10. Wow. So I was off by a year? Wow. I’m surprised they let me out of my box here at the mill. *looks around* At least it’s comfy in here. *re-arranges the shredded newspaper, settles in*


  11. hey there,

    love your pics. Maybe you could sell rides with the rhino to raise money for the digital cam sharing for jesteR.

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