dq wtf?

What’s the first thing you think of when I mention Dairy Queen? For me it’s the Blizzard. Mmmmm sugary tastiness. The second thing I think of is what the hell were they thinking changing the menu?

But the third thing? Nightmarish violence. Oh yeah. True story. Dunno if they have Dairy Queens where you’re at, but around here they’re these fab places where you can hook yourself up with ice cream & fast foodish-type stuff. They’re decorated in a lively cartoony carnival style, which isn’t a bad marketing angle- look at all the junk you joyfully consume when the fair is in town.

But at this particular DQ (Douglas & Bay, Victoria BC) their art-deco glass paneling is… freaky. You laugh, but at the same time you’re reminded of American Psycho and Attack of The Killer Clowns (or whatever the hell that gorefest movie was called). Never mind the carnie-sized carousel horse with the clown head on his ass. No, look at the glass paneling:

First we have a poor beast in the initial throes of a torturous death reminiscent of BraveHeart, struck through the gizzard with absolute finality.

Second up is a brave fellow who’s not long of this Earth, gasping out his last. He was clearly a fine example of the type, a mighty steed who stumbled when he should have leapt.

Third and finally, perhaps a more subtle image, and by my mind more disturbing because of it, a horse who really seems to be coping with impalement just fine. But then you notice what he’s got strapped across the back of his saddle. What in the world is this doing in a Dairy Queen?

I dunno, gang. I know TV and the movies are all about sex and violence, and making violence sexy… and violent sex, I guess… but what was the artist thinking? This can’t have been done inadvertently. The eyes tell all, and these horses aren’t enjoying themselves. Neither is that rabbit.

Don’t get me wrong- I’m not screaming for change. I don’t want this to become a feature on the news. That would be a helluva slow news day these days. All I’m wondering is what was he thinking? And what were they thinking when they went ahead with the install?

Some people are afraid of clowns, and I’ve never been able to relate to that. It’s just a guy with makeup. Then again, he’s masked. You don’t know the nature of the person under all the obfuscation. So maybe you coulrophobes aren’t batty. Masks can be unnerving. But- to haul us back on topic, there is a long history of distrust in the mystique of the carny, rooted in gypsies and such.

Maybe the artist was influenced by that? Maybe the hints of violence were overtly intentional, to invoke a feeling of danger. Excitement. Thriller chiller.

Which brings us right back to TV and the movies.

So. What’s this imagery doing in a children-friendly (read: child-targeting) fast food restaurant? Assuming it’s intentional, how high up the ladder does that intention go? Are there studies out there that suggest we’ll eat more junk & come back more often if were scared & don’t know why?

I dunno. Just wanted to share. What do you think? Cool pics though, huh?

18 thoughts on “dq wtf?”

  1. stay out of fast food restaurants.

    Yeah. What jaime said.


    Scary scary stuff. Don’t forget the full-size horses in the place, they looked creepy as hell too. Seriously, you guys should go check out this DQ. dj – you raise a good question. What the HELL were they thinking!? Heh.

  2. You will not be surprised to hear that Fiona and I have had the same discussion about these carousel horses, too.

    Freaky as SIN.

    As for clowns– don’t get me started. Jesus, who’d think that they are funny at ALL?

    (Although I laughed pretty hard at the movie Killer Klowns From Outer Space as a kid.)

  3. Jaime: Re: fast food. Where else would you like to get served Ice Cream? In the s-l-o-w moving food place? YOur Ice Cream would be half melted. Or even worse. Somewhere that prepares the food when you order it. “Uh, yeah, come back in an hour we have to like, freeze the cream and stuff. Well, after we like,get it out of the cow and you know, pasturize it.”

    Sorry, feeling particularly cheeky this morning. *hugs

  4. Oh Toki, what I would give to hug & squeeze you one of these days…

    I would even buy you mint chocolate chip ice cream at Baskin Robbins. As much as you want.


  5. When are you going to get MSN? Or ICQ even? Then we can actually chat for the first time in our lives. Of course, then the saga wouldn’t be nearly so poignant…

    It’s a sacrifice I might be willing to make.

  6. :P

    nah, Gurton, even I can’t refuse the call of the blizzard every couple years or so.

    The trick is to get the blizzard and get out. Don’t look at anything, don’t ask any questions, and whatever you do, don’t sit down.

    Some disgruntled eco-artist probably made that “art” in tribute to all the horses that died in making the “burgers”.

  7. Two Words:


    a few more words: mint chocolate chip ice cream is the greatest thing in the world :)

    and I make much better grilled cheese sandwiches at home than DQ does :)

  8. done! :) been done, which might be why I told you what the name was under you silly goose :)

    oh, and when I pulled it up, it had a clicky for making phone calls from your computer…which my network (it seems at this corporation) is not configured for :(

    but I tried!!!

  9. I’m in the process of downloading msn messenger at the moment onto a work computer…the funny thing is, it’s a temp job, while I’m looking for a real one…think they’ll mind? lol

  10. Real-time flirtin’ in a blog comments box. Ahh, disruptive innovation, how do I love thee?

    *happy sigh*

  11. Are you just a bit jealous that it’s not being directed at you? :) Ask him, he might share :P

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