close, but no cigar

One quick thought while I watch the idiocy on TV in between pushups.

We’re supposed to make a very big deal out of remembering those who gave their lives in the various wars we’ve been through.

What is it we’re supposed to remember? Their sacrifice, right? They went to war to fight for what we all believe in, right? Truth, beauty, freedom, love. We’re supposed to remember they died defending our rights and freedoms. Most of all, though, aren’t we supposed to remember they died horribly in a nightmare world that we must never allow again?

Isn’t that the point? Lest we forget the mindless clusterfuck of war?

Shouldn’t we be honouring their sacrifice by avoiding war and all violent confrontation except as an ultimate and final resort, when all other avenues have been exhausted? When absolutely no other way is possible?

I think, thanks to ego and greed and gullibility, we don’t think of the horror. We think first of thrusting our ego on others. My way is better. Your way does not serve my interests. You must be punished. I have been told you are evil, and even though I’ve never met you and I know nothing about what you have done except what I have been told by the profit-driven media, I must destroy you, even though it means innocents will probably be caught in the crossfire. It’s a pity, but my leaders tell me that’s how it has to be, and after all, won’t the survivors be happier living my way?

I don’t think I’m doing a very good job of explaining my point here. All I really wanted to say, before I got carried away, is that “Lest We Forget” isn’t about remembering the “sacrifice”, it’s about remembering the horror. But even though we have that wisdom it won’t matter. That’s my point. We know better, and it still doesn’t matter. We’ll still go out there and do horrible things to each other for some twisted cause that no one really understands.

If everyone refused to play, there would be no game. But so many of us love to play, don’t we? Everybody’s a hero.

“Stubbornly refuse to become blinded to the beauty that is still in the world.”


13 thoughts on “close, but no cigar”

  1. “Most of all, though, aren’t we supposed to remember they died horribly in a nightmare world that we must never allow again?”

    I just said almost exactly the same thing today.


    Why oh why must there always be a bottom line? All I heard today was: How much longer, how much money, how many ‘american’ casualties will there be in the war. Fuck me. This is WAR! They just don’t get it! The american media was reporting that it is taking longer than expected.

    Why people are shocked when there are casualties just amazes me. Tap is WAR! Just like my friends mischiff and Jaime said, “Don’t you remember!?”

  2. Yeah, typical pacifist crap. Not everyone “refuses to play”, so you need a military that can kick ass. The US is protecting the world, so wimpy countries like Canada can live in peace.

  3. Hi Toki! Good to see you again.

    vi9, I thought you were going to go away, like a nice toadying party-line moron. Your cluelessness makes me hope no one ever trusts you with anything more important than tying your own shoes. I mean, you couldn’t have done a better job proving my point if I’d written your script for you. You’re not only the weakest link, you’re the missing link. BBye.

  4. I think I blanked out after the first sentence…


    [winks at adrian]

    hey there…

    lol, I’m such a tard :)

  5. *jumps up and down waving her arms*

    Oh! pick me! pick me!


    *think donkey from Shrek ;)*

    Adrian…if you need a workout partner…let me know. heehee :)

  6. You know, I really did have a go back and read that whole post over again. I had NO idea what it said :)

    silly me!

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