What a harrowing day! From around noon on, Judd and Nick were messing with servers at the Mill, and our blogs were part of the peripheral damage.
All day, no blogging. And I kept thinking up witty things to post. I think there’s a universal equalizer at work here. I did manage to remember a couple of them, one of which made it up to the top of the page here, above the pic.
The other made us giggle for a good while, and last night we ended up having a good long chat on the subject:
Americans should not be allowed to run for President.
I mean, I have some American friends that I really do value. They’re intelligent and their eyes are wide open to what’s going on. I’m not talking about them. I’m talking about Americans But that one’s a no-brainer. They’re getting so insular, so egocentric and ego-obsessed. Now we’ve got a clown in the pilot seat with a manic trigger finger. I read somewhere that 22% of Americans don’t know who the War Of Independance was fought with.
It’s just such a transparent, predictable, destructive policy. Keep your populace focused on the external and they’ll remain blissfully unconcerned about what’s going on within their own borders. You just have to be willing to make some enemies. I don’t think that’s a problem for this particular bully. Stupidest kid in school, but he’s got that really big stick. Michael Moore says it so well.
In hindsight, assuming the North Koreans haven’t sold terrorists enough nukes by this time next year to make the question moot, we’ll be looking back at everything the States was able to pull off in hidden benefits during this strife, and we’ll be stunned that they got away with it, internally and internationally.
Meanwhile, one of the biggest third-party causes of this whole mess, one of the real reasons for the actions of the States, the car companies, are strangely choosing now to begin making the whole thing irrelevant. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the big corporations saved us all? Here’s what I’m talking about.
Don’t you think it’s strange? That just when things over there start to get really stupid, the car manyfacturers decide to release the projects they’ve had sitting on the drawing boards for thirty years? What will the US government do if the economic justification for war is gone? Then the only card they’ll have left is terrorism, and how many schools and hospitals does the US get to blow up before we, the people, finally say enough is enough? (There’s no oil in North Korea, so even though they’ll be producing nuclear weapons in three months we’ve put them on the back burner.)
On the other hand, more allies were killed by friendly fire in the Gulf War than by enemy fire, so maybe if we refuse to back up the States and they go in by themselves they’ll decimate their own forces and become a global laughing stock (yes, more than they already are).
Who knows. Maybe they’ll even stop training the terrorists they’re so afraid of. Talk about Frankenstein’s Monster.
Well, lemme say this about that. Somebody has hit the ol’ self-destruct in the USA, and I’m just hoping that while they flail around in magnificent stupidity they don’t take the rest of us with ’em. For what it’s worth I do still think that the exponentially smarter middle-left will step in and take the keys away before it all goes up in smoke.
Hear that, yankees? Take the keys back.
hear! hear! adrian. good one.
BTW, Didn’t I once write to you in an email that you were the devil AND the angel on BOTH shoulders all rolled into one? don’t sell your angelic side short. (If I’m blowing your cover, here’s the disclaimer: I barely know you. that was just my first impression. I could be wrong. :)
Comments on america’s ego war will have wait…
happy monday. e.
I long ago understood that in order to truly embody evil you must put forth a guise of good. A wolf in sheep’s clothing is far more terrifying, yes?
That said, I also traded in my truly eeevil persona for one more accurately described as mischiffous.
I’m not as appealing to the chicks, but I have worlds more self-respect.
why does there have to be clothing at all I wonder?
just a thought :P
She tortures me like this to amuse herself. *grin*
People are scared of what they dont know or understand. For Americans this tends to be an understatement. Is ignorance bliss after all? History has a way of repeating itself. I wunder who in the past should we compare the states to?
Its terribly frustrating watching whats going on in the world with no say in how to change it. I know your frustration =). I hope Canadians are not compared to Americans closely in the eyes of other Nations.
I could vent on this subject all night hehe, but I’l refrain.
Hmm. Thanks Greg. You’ve inspired another post.