Summer is SO over.

It was pitch dark last night at 7. The sky has been blah for about four days. The highway all the way out to Qualicum was fogged. *sigh*

Actually, I think most of the problem is that it’s been three weeks since I’ve been to the gym. Tonight, fer sher.

On a brighter note- things went really well with the folks. Th ol’ parental units. And while we were up there my sister called so I jumped on the phone and harassed her for a while. She’s coming over to the island from Lethbridge, Alberta to visit the ‘rents. So I guess I’ll drive back up there to see her on Wednesday. Haven’t seen her since Xmas, so that’ll be good.

Question of the day: If people knew how half-witted they seem when they are careless with their writing, even in IM, would they bother trying harder? Or are they content coming across as half-wits? Hmm…

1 thought on “Summer is SO over.”

  1. That’s a good question .. I would think that something with more permanence like a blog would cause people to pay a bit more attention to the way they write. real time messaging or near-real time messaging is kind of more like a conversation .. whereas a blog is closer to writing a speech for many to hear / see etc. i think i write somewhere between a speech and a conversation on my blog .. casual enough not to appear manufactured, but still given a once-over to make sure it’s coherent upon first glance.

    ps: when are you going to get cookies working so that we don’t have to type in our info every time we make comments?

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